885fm log black tagline + glow

How to listen to 88.5FM

Did you know that there are a few ways to listen to your favourite radio station 88.5fm.

Check our the best 3 ways to get the Variety you deserve.

on your device

If you are away from home, out driving, maybe travelling the wold!

You can always take your favourite radio station 88.5fm with you.

Listen on your device, anywhere, anytime by clicking on the ‘click play to listen live’ play button right down there at the bottom of your device’s screen

It’s so easy!

on your computer

open up your favourite browser and open up 885fm. com.au.

Right at the bottom is the play button where it says ‘ click to listen live.

and the music keeps on playing even when you change pages.

Very Cool.

on your radio

Of course, if you are local to Perth, you cannot beat listening to your favourite radio station on the actual radio.

Just tune in to 88.5fm at any time and let the variety take over.

24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year


retro styled fm radio placed on desk