Listen On Demand
In today’s fast-paced world, we don’t always have the time to stop and listen to the radio exactly when we want to.
88.5fm now has something to help with that.
We now have the ability for you to listen to your favorite show when you want to when you need to.
Not every show is available just yet, and not every show will be available as an ‘on-demand’ show.
The shows that are available are listed below, each link will take you to that shows page, where you can listen to the saved episodes ‘on demand’
listen to these show on demand
With so much variety, which ones do you choose?
60’s sounds from the valley
88.5fm Jukebox with Kobe
Anything Goes
Back to School
Beyond Labels with Jeannie
Blues in the Valley
Brekkie with Bronia
Going Underground
Greek Hellenic Show
Groovin’ with Graham
Jimmy Rocks You
Jimmy Will Rock You
Paula Goes Pop
Pilks Mix
Pop a Top Tunes
R’n’B Hits Show
Reggae in the Valley
Simply 80’s with Suzanne
The 90’s Mega Mix
The Modern Way
The Music Box
The Sunday Session
Torque ‘n’ Power
Up The Junction
Urban Beats
Variations On A Theme
Wednesdays’ Beat
Western Oz
Wild on Wednesday